lauren trn
(共 18 筆)
Candide, or Optimism
- 出版日期:2004-12-28
- 作者:Alan (ILT),Henry (TRN)/ Walsh,Lauren (TRN)/ Odle,Voltaire/ Morley
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 278 -
Candide, or Optimism
- 出版日期:2003-12-01
- 作者:Alan (ILT)/ May,Gita (INT)/ Morley,Gita/ Morley,Henry,Henry (TRN)/ Walsh,Lauren (TRN)/ Odle,Voltaire
- 出版社:Barnes & Noble
$ 278 -
The Queen’s Knight 1
- 出版日期:2004-11-01
- 作者:Anina/ Na,Bennett,Jeannie,Kang-won/ Anderson,Lauren (TRN)/ Kim
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 350 -
Demon Diary 6
- 出版日期:2004-03-01
- 作者:Hee,Kelly Sue,Lauren (TRN)/ Deconnick,Lee Yun/ Kara (ILT)/ Na
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 350 -
Jack the Ripper 4: Hell Blade
- 出版日期:2013-06-04
- 作者:Je-Tae/ Na,Lauren (TRN),Yoo
- 出版社:Seven Seas Entertainment Llc
$ 420 -
$ 420
Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade 2
- 出版日期:2012-10-02
- 作者:Adam (EDT),Janet (ADP)/ Arnold,Je-Tae/ Na,Lauren (TRN)/ Houck,Yoo
- 出版社:Seven Seas Entertainment Llc
$ 455 -
$ 455
Origin Unknown
- 出版日期:2013-07-16
- 作者:Jane (EDT),Lauren (TRN)/ Kuntz,Oliver/ Messina,Rohe
- 出版社:Dalkey Archive Pr
$ 473 -
Three Dreams on Mount Meru
- 出版日期:2007-04-01
- 作者:Devenne,Francois/ Yoder,Lauren (TRN)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 523 -
The Pyramid: The First Wallander Cases
- 出版日期:2009-10-06
- 作者:Ebba (TRN)/ Thompson,Henning/ Segerberg,Lauren (TRN),Mankell
- 出版社:Vintage Books
$ 525 -
The Color of Heaven 3
- 出版日期:2009-09-01
- 作者:Dong Hwa/ Na,Kim,Lauren (TRN)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 595 -
The Last Cavalier: Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon
- 出版日期:2008-09-07
- 作者:Alexandre/ Yoder,Dumas,Lauren (TRN)
- 出版社:Pegasus Books
$ 663 -
Show & Tell Me the World
- 出版日期:2016-10-15
- 作者:Lauren (TRN)/ Linneweber,Schamp,Tom/ Napier,Wolfgang (TRN)
- 出版社:Die Gestalten Verlag
$ 873 -
The Messiah
- 出版日期:2008-04-01
- 作者:Halter,Lauren (TRN),Marek/ Yoder
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 873 -
The Last Cavalier: Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-hermine in the Age of Napoleon
- 出版日期:2007-09-01
- 作者:Alexandre/ Yoder,Dumas,Lauren (TRN)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,120 -
Jean Cocteau: A Life
- 出版日期:2016-09-27
- 作者:Arnaud,Charlotte (TRN),Claude/ Elkin,Lauren (TRN)/ Mandell
- 出版社:Yale Univ Pr
$ 1,400 -
The Last Cavalier: Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon
- 出版日期:2010-01-01
- 作者:Alexandre/ Yoder,Dumas,Lauren (TRN)/ Prebble,Simon (NRT)
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
$ 1,923